Q: How will you know when you're ready to retire? Do you regret retiring too early?
A: When I finish paying off my student loans.
—Jane Haigh
When I cannot do my job well and/or stop having fun doing it.
—George Parkins
When I have enough to live comfortably, travel when I want to and my kids' futures are as secure as I can make them through education. My goal is 55 -- before my 60s, which is too late to enjoy life while I still have the health to do it.
—Jim Klein
Retired at 52. Should have done it sooner. Living off one-sixth my pre-retirement income and loving every minute!
—Charles Thomas
I retired earlier than I had originally planned, at family request. I was worried but now realize it's one of the best decisions I ever made.
If you recognize the signs that you're burned out and your family and friends note you're stressed out, and if your finances are where they should be, it's time.
—Charles Kasakophski
For some people the decision is taken out of their hands. They retire when they lose their jobs. As did I.
—Linda Benzel
Retirement is an obsolete concept. Traditional means of work, career and compensation have evolved dramatically.
I want to continue to make a contribution to the workplace indefinitely, or be self-employed.
—Rhinnie Rohrback
You'll know. You become part of the problem and not part of the solution. Work is no longer an exciting challenge but instead drudgery. The last couple of years of my career were that way. I took the early out with penalties. Never regretted it. Never looked back.
—Pat Galbraith
I retired 31 years ago and have absolutely no regrets. Time becomes much more valuable than money, especially if you have health issues and don't know how long you may be around.
—William Murray